
Grooming is provided here at the practice by our excellent dog groomer Grace Kelleher

Grooming is provided here in the practice by our excellent dog groomer Grace Kelleher. Grace has been a groomer for many years and is experienced with all breeds of dog. Grace will always consult with you about your dog’s individual needs and is happy to facilitate any special requests you may have.

Why choose Animal Care Vets for your pet’s grooming needs?

  • There are many advantages of having your dog groomed at our practice, firstly should your dog have any health concerns we can co-ordinate to have a consultation with one of our vets at the time of the grooming appointment, saving you multiple trips
  • Your dog will be delighted to run in the door for their pamper session and therefore they will be happier coming to see our vets if and when the need arises
  • Some animals that are stressed by grooming benefit from a sedative to relax them and this can be facilitated with on site monitoring by our veterinary team
  • Grace offers puppy pamper sessions which involve a wash and blow-dry, ear clean and nail clip making sure your puppy is more than presentable for our puppy parties! This allows your puppy to become accustomed to grooming in a calm and relaxed environment

If you have any questions about any of our services or you would like to book in for a consultation, please call Grace on 085 724 6397.

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